A guarantee isn't a gimmick; it's the portal to improving customer relations. When your company has the courage to promise absolute satisfaction or give customers their money back, you differentiate
Mistake City
If you fear mistakes, you’re bound to make them. Why? Because instead of playing to win, you’re playing not to lose. Taking the safe path can lead you down the
Kepp the pizzazz
Don't dilute the impact of your message. Instead, help your audience follow along: minimize words and statistics on slides; use contrasting colors and varied type fonts to increase readability; don't
In order for you to win the majority of the time, you need a selling system that is more powerful than your prospects' objections. Here are some tips from the
The 10 most important words: "I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right." The 9 most important words: "Thank you for your business. Please come back again." The 8 most important words: "I'm not
A seasoned professional salesman once said to some new recruits, "No customer will leave you as long as it is to his or her advantage to stay. Your job is
Your website should be a bountiful source of leads for your sales staff. With the right kind of planning, an online contest can produce a steady stream of qualified prospects.
Success in wooing - and keeping - customers means being SMART: Specify. Spell out to what extremes you'll go to win the customers' loyalty - not just satisfaction. And make sure everyone
An ancient king once dreamed that all his teeth had fallen out. He was naturally concerned about his dream, so the next morning sent for a soothsayer to interpret his
Your intentions are good, and you know it's important, but somehow you never have time to send that all-important thank-you note after closing a sale.  Get a roll of stamps
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