You Can’t Afford Not to Prospect
The jury is out about whether good salespeople like to prospect or can do it well. But the bottom line is that without new business, salespeople are gambling. Here are some ways to go about prospecting successfully. Allow time to prospect. Set aside a fixed number of hours for making cold calls, and stick to this […]
Tackling High-Priority Projects
Identify your top priorities. All jobs aren’t equally important, no matter how urgent they may appear. Due date alone is not always an indication of priority. Make a list. Putting all your jobs and their deadlines into chart form helps you weigh one against another when setting priorities. Know how much you have to do […]
Study Reveals Crucial Sales Tips
If you want to sell executives on a proposal, service, or project, your presentation must be organized – and it should also be informal, relaxed, and conversational. That’s a major finding from a study of 162 executives conducted by Genesis Training Solutions. Here are other suggestions to consider: Avoid a hard-sell approach. Stay away from hype and […]
Boosting Revenues, Not Cutting Costs, Is Way to Succeed in Downturn
Contrary to what cost-cutting beancounters contend, the slashing approach during economic downturns may do more harm than good to profits. Now, new research shows that programs aimed at building revenues through customer retention and loyalty are far more successful at generating profits than any other approach. Researchers say cutting costs is not the best way to go […]
Don’t Chase Your Prospects. Let Them Chase You!
Tired of the constant follow-up with your prospects that seems to be going nowhere? You’ve made a presentation, but how do you close the sale? Suggest that without your product or service, your prospect will miss out on something great. Here are a few ideas. 1. Tell a story that creates a sense of urgency. Uncover […]