Increase the Effectiveness of Your Emails with These Tactics

The rise of virtual teams and long-distance workplaces has brought a growing dependence on email. Like every form of communication, email is a tool that requires a certain amount of finesse. Here are some tips for you on getting the message across.1. One email, one topic. Don’t try to cover too much territory in a single […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Price

The presentation has gone well. The prospect has asked many good questions, seems satisfied with your responses, and agrees there is a need for your product or service. Now it’s time to talk price. What do you do?  If the buyer mentions price first and you’re not yet ready to talk about it, you can […]

The Secret to Winning Back Customers

There’s a difference between lost customers and dead customers. When looking for new business, we ignore lost business. A New Jersey-based consulting firm estimates that the closing ratio for new prospects is 5% to 20%, but the potential to regain lost customers is 20% to 40%. Here are five ways to create your own customer […]

Instead of “Shooting from the Lip”

Helping difficult customers often means overcoming your first impulse. Turn “shoot from the lip” responses into tactful, helpful ones.  1. “I can’t help you with that.” Instead try: “I need more information to determine the best way to help you.” Don’t jump to the conclusion that you can’t help your customer just because their question isn’t […]

Polish Your Negotiation Skills

Your sales force can speed through negotiations painlessly by keeping these pointers in mind. FOCUS ON THE OUTCOME. Let your customer know that your goal is to help him at a fair price for both of you. Keep the atmosphere friendly and calm. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Gather as much information as you can ahead of time. Study […]