Prepare Yourself for Seminars

A professional conference or seminar can be well worth the time away from the office if you take the right approach. Here’s how to turn your next professional meeting into a valuable experience:  Prepare yourself ahead of time. For example, list at least five specific questions you want answered at the conference. Use break time […]

Increase the Effectiveness of Your Emails with These Tactics

The rise of virtual teams and long-distance workplaces has brought a growing dependence on email. Like every form of communication, email is a tool that requires a certain amount of finesse. Here are some tips for you on getting the message across.1. One email, one topic. Don’t try to cover too much territory in a single […]

How to CAPTURE Business

C – Customize: Create an individually targeted presentation and solution for each potential customer.  A – Analogies: Find a sales situation in previous sales in which the buyer made a decision similar to the one you need from this buyer. Remember that adults act on precedent.  P – Perceived value: Your buyer’s perception of your solution must […]

Talk with Team Members Before New Hires Arrive

Experts say that the first 90 days determine how long a new person will stay with an organization. Discuss the new worker’s role with the team. Explore the ways in which some team members’ roles may change when the new person arrives, and make sure people understand that they shouldn’t simply dump their grunt work […]