Remember to Balance Creativity with ROI

balancing creativity and roi

Let the heart rule the head – because this is true with 90 percent of your customers. We all like to think that we make our purchasing decisions in a completely rational manner. But, increasingly, research shows this is far from true. We are emotional beings, and we make most of our decisions emotionally.  Many […]

Prepare Yourself for Seminars

A professional conference or seminar can be well worth the time away from the office if you take the right approach. Here’s how to turn your next professional meeting into a valuable experience:  Prepare yourself ahead of time. For example, list at least five specific questions you want answered at the conference. Use break time […]

Increase the Effectiveness of Your Emails with These Tactics

The rise of virtual teams and long-distance workplaces has brought a growing dependence on email. Like every form of communication, email is a tool that requires a certain amount of finesse. Here are some tips for you on getting the message across.1. One email, one topic. Don’t try to cover too much territory in a single […]

How to CAPTURE Business

C – Customize: Create an individually targeted presentation and solution for each potential customer.  A – Analogies: Find a sales situation in previous sales in which the buyer made a decision similar to the one you need from this buyer. Remember that adults act on precedent.  P – Perceived value: Your buyer’s perception of your solution must […]

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