Talk with Team Members Before New Hires Arrive

Experts say that the first 90 days determine how long a new person will stay with an organization. Discuss the new worker’s role with the team. Explore the ways in which some team members’ roles may change when the new person arrives, and make sure people understand that they shouldn’t simply dump their grunt work […]

Keep Loyal Customers Satisfied with Personalized Service

While it is important for you to be personable with every customer, your repeat customers deserve service that goes beyond simple courtesies. You should make a serious effort not only to get to know your loyal customers, but also to understand and anticipate their needs and let them know you value them as an asset […]

Change Your Voicemail Message Frequently

Some workers use the same outgoing voicemail message for years without changing it. The message may be functional, but what does it convey? An unchanging voicemail could project a subtle image of a stagnant employee caught in a rut. Instead, try spicing up your voicemail by personalizing you messages with specific details – the day […]

Exercise Creativity With These Group Activities

Although many people believe that creative minds are born, not made, experts say that you can teach people to become more creative. Here are two exercises to try with your co-workers:  Fluency. During a staff meeting, brainstorm 100 uses for ordinary objects – a pencil, notebook, table, etc. This will help you and your co-workers […]

Improve Client Relationships in a Wired World

Since electronic communication has permanently changed business, it’s necessary to take special steps to protect customer relationships. Here are some tips to help you stay in touch in the age of electronic gatekeepers:  Schedule face-to-face meetings. Find time to have lunch or to attend an industry meeting with your customers. We risk becoming so work-focused that […]

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