Innovation and the Art of Shaving
I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, recently and “discovered” The Art of Shaving. It’s an upscale mall store that is dedicated to one thing and one thing only…the perfect shave for men. As it turns out, I could have discovered it in any one of dozens of malls nationwide. The company has been around since […]
Walmart & Innovation
I took a quick, very unscientific survey recently. It was a one question survey: When you think of Walmart, do you think of innovation? 100% of the answers were the same… “no”. Walmart is just a big ol’ store with lots of stuff at low prices. No innovation, right? Think again.
Lessons from Steve Jobs

Albert Einstein once said, “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Steve Jobs took those words to heart. Every innovation he envisioned was at first considered absurd, undoable, and generally far-fetched. Lesson One: If the idea is right and you know it, it doesn’t matter if everyone […]
March Madness and Innovation – what’s old is new.
We interrupt this blog for breaking news: I can now watch every game in the NCAA Tournament on my iPhone or iPad or Computer. It’ free. It’s easy and it’s innovation…in a retro kind of way. This is BIG. Imagine an entertainment model where the product is delivered absolutely free to the viewer and it […]