How to Handle Disrupters

woman presenting at meeting

You’ve just been appointed facilitator for the next meeting, but you know that if it’s to be successful, you’ll have to rein in a few troublemakers. Here are descriptions of four particularly difficult types of meeting disrupters and how to handle them.  The repeaters.These people bring up the same issues and points over and over […]

Use Time Wisely

a clock showing that time and money coincide

Stop wasting time reading unwanted email messages. Follow the example of one busy team leader. He decided to respond to every email for a week with a note on its appropriateness. He responded with one of three comments:  1. Keep sending this sort of critical information. 2. Send this to a responsible person on my team, […]

Rules For Winning

In order for you to win the majority of the time, you need a selling system that is more powerful than your prospects’ objections. Here are some tips from the Sandler Sales Institute to make your sales system more effective.  Establish rapport with your prospects. Prospects create a “defensive wall” because they know you want […]

Crash Course On Customer Service

The 10 most important words: “I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right.” The 9 most important words: “Thank you for your business. Please come back again.” The 8 most important words: “I’m not sure, but I will find out.” The 7 most important words: “What else can I do for you?” The 6 most important words: “What is most convenient for you?” […]

Five Steps to Fostering Goodwill

A seasoned professional salesman once said to some new recruits, “No customer will leave you as long as it is to his or her advantage to stay. Your job is to make sure that there is an advantage in the continued relationship, and that your customer is fully aware of it.” It almost seems too simple a […]