Seven Tips for Qualifying

Your goal in professional selling is straightforward: determine the customer’s needs, offer solutions, and successfully conclude the transaction as soon as possible. This necessitates qualifying prospects. Here are seven reasons why it is essential to qualify your customers: Qualifying determines wants, needs, and desires. Once you discover there is a distinct need that can be fulfilled […]

How to Get Customers to Value What You’re Giving Away

Do you routinely offer your customers little extras that give you the edge in customer retention? If you do, don’t be afraid to call attention to the fact. Promote your value-added services. If you offer a free service, put it on your invoice at the hourly rate – and then mark it FREE so that […]

Accentuate the Positive

Consultant Joyce Weiss advises unmotivated salespeople to get out of their comfort zones and reevaluate the way they do business.  “When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to blame the marketplace or the economy,” she says, “But you have to stop whining, look in the mirror, and force yourself to address the problem squarely and […]

Punch Up Your Presentation

Add persuasive punch to your next presentation by imagining you have got only five minutes to sell the organization’s president on your idea. 

Ten Commandments of Prospecting

Without prospects, you are unable to succeed at your job. To keep your prospect list fresh, follow these 10 commandments of prospecting:  I. Make an appointment with yourself each day to prospect. Prospecting requires discipline.  II. Make as many calls as possible. Define your target market and call only the best prospects, but make as many calls […]