10 Sales Mistakes You Don’t Ever Want To Make
1. Not preparing for the call. You must know your customers, the marketplace, and the customers’ competition, and you must read one or two business periodicals per week. 2. Using poor opening statements. Buyers today want to purchase from people they trust, people they know, and people who excite them. When on the phone, sit up, shoulders back, […]
Recognize the Stages of Customers’ Decision-Making to Sell More Effectively
If your complaint is that it takes customers forever to make up their minds, maybe you don’t fully understand the decision-making process. Recognizing which stage a customer is in will help your sales strategy. Deciding to decide. Before customers select a product to purchase, they have to make up their minds to buy in the […]
Continuous Learning Increases Territory Sales
Do you approach every sales call as a learning opportunity? Do the customers in your territory view you as a resource for new information? The best approach is to use a continuous learning mentality. Consider the following: 1. Develop a personal library. […]
Banish These Hackneyed Lines From Your Sales Talk
We’ve all heard them – the sales clichés that turn off customers. You may even be guilty of some yourself. These trite approaches sound persuasive, but they’re so obvious that most prospects feel you’re insulting their intelligence. Pay attention to your conversations, and strike anything that sounds like this: “What’s it gonna take?” You sound like […]
Milestones Help You Manage the Process
As we all know, if you build objectives and support them with goals, you must have a way to track your progress. Make sure that you build milestones into the process of assessing ROI. You won’t be able to quantify an entire process overnight. Instead, you can begin incrementally (with leads, of course). Then, move […]