Your Customers’ Perception Is Your Reality: Look at the Marketplace Through Their Eyes
If your customers do not perceive the value in what you are selling, they will most likely buy from your competitors. Focusing on the “drivers” that influence your customers’ perceptions of value can help you position your product or service as a solution to the challenges they face. Here are their primary concerns: Financial. Your […]
Do You Have a Guarantee?
A guarantee isn’t a gimmick; it’s the portal to improving customer relations. When your company has the courage to promise absolute satisfaction or give customers their money back, you differentiate yourself from your competitors by announcing up front that your number one long-term goal is customer loyalty. The guarantee is also a good word-of-mouth promotion […]
Mistake City
If you fear mistakes, you’re bound to make them. Why? Because instead of playing to win, you’re playing not to lose. Taking the safe path can lead you down the wrong path. If you’re trying not to lose or make mistakes, you’ll come up short. This attitude becomes a crutch that will negatively affect your […]
Need Better Leads? Hold a Website Contest
Your website should be a bountiful source of leads for your sales staff. With the right kind of planning, an online contest can produce a steady stream of qualified prospects. Here are some pointers: Decide on the contest objectives. Since you want to draw attention to your products and services, select an activity that will encourage […]
Do You Have “ROOF”?
Next time you’re having a problem selling or communicating, ask yourself these four things.