Handling Price Shoppers Who Play Games
Some buyers raise legitimate questions about price while others object because it seems the thing to do. These gamespeople are the most difficult to deal with. Some love to play and win. For them, the game can be as important as the win. IDENTIFYING THE GAMESPEOPLELearning to identify gamespeople. Most of them fall into one […]
Milestones Help You Manage the Process
As we all know, if you build objectives and support them with goals, you must have a way to track your progress. Make sure that you build milestones into the process of assessing ROI. You won’t be able to quantify an entire process overnight. Instead, you can begin incrementally (with leads, of course). Then, move […]
Commit to Specific ROI Goals
As with any other process objective, your people have to break major ROI objectives into smaller, achievable ROI goals. This is especially important when you’re dealing with the aforementioned long and complex processes. It takes time and focus – and again, you may want to involve multidisciplinary groups from different areas of your business. Publish […]
Clarify Your ROI Objectives
There is no better way to prove ROI than to set clear objectives, outline them in terms of goals and expectations, and delineate methods to reach those objectives. Just like your creative approach, this will differ for every company and in every area of business. Some businesses will have a more difficult time in tying […]
How to Sell a Price Increase
No customer ever likes to hear about price increases. But, if you handle the situation correctly, you can keep your biggest customers happy and still increase your profits. Here are some tips: Be selective. You may not want to announce an across-the-board price increase. Rather, increase prices only for new clients or for new products […]