Don’t Oust Trade Shows

group photo of employees

At many companies, people are looking for financial corners to cut. Whether it’s supplies or salaries, many managers have to protect their departments from the budget knife.  For sales managers, trade shows are a necessity to keep sales afloat. Here are three reasons you can give to others in your company to keep your exhibit […]

The Game: Last-Minute Negotiations at Closing

an employee meeting with customers

You’re feeling great. The buyer says he will accept your offer, and the deal appears to be all but closed. At this point, you want to finish the sale, reap the glory, and collect the commission. You’re vulnerable.  What happens if the buyer tries to negotiate one additional advantage, one that is actually unfair? Here are […]

Emphasize Your Sales Letter Message With a Positive P.S.


If you use direct mail to market your products or services, you already know that a postscript at the end of your sales letter is a must. Most people will look at the P.S. even if they don’t read the letter itself. The P.S. should be an important element of your letter, but it shouldn’t […]

How to Work a Customer in One Minute

an employee talking to a customer

You’re at a networking event or riding the elevator. Standing next to you is the ideal prospect, but this is no time to launch into a sales presentation. You’ve got one minute, at most, to explain who you are and what you sell in a way that will spark the prospect’s interest. Here’s what to […]

They’ll Need to See Your Message 29 Times Before They Buy

They'll need to see your message 29 times

This is what some marketing experts call the “Law of 29.” Whether or not you agree with the number of exposures it takes through the sales cycle is not important. What is important is that your prospect is going to have to see your message over and over before he/she buys your product or service.  […]