Words That Kill the Sale

Despite the popular saying to the contrary, words can sometimes be stronger than actions. An example is when you’re presenting to a prospect, and you’ve covered all the bases, but the prospect still won’t say “yes.” Sometimes an adage applies: “It isn’t what you say; it’s the way that you say it.” In that case, your […]

Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

If you make your customer feel comfortable about a potential purchase, you’ll improve your odds of making the sale. Put prospects at ease by giving them a free trial period or a money-back guarantee. Offer additional services or features in exchange for a quick buying decision. Add value to your product in ways your competition doesn’t (or can’t) […]

Sales Strategies for Superstars

Want to reach the top of your profession? Don’t rely on luck. It takes hard work, dedication, a constant willingness to learn, and more hard work.  Don’t just be a problem solver: Be a creative problem creator. Create awareness of problems clients may not even know they have. Find out what might be preventing your […]

Make Your Follow-Ups Count

The Sales Bible  Prospecting can get to be a lot like learning multiplication tables – mindless repetition of the same process. Often we send out letters to our prospects, then call to ask if they received the letter, and what do they say? “No!” Let’s look at other ways of following up on that initial […]

Benefit From Account Reviews

The selling advantage  A regular account review is an excellent way to keep in touch with your regular customers and let them know you are interested in their well-being. Set up a tickler file to keep track of all the notes about your key accounts and personal items to review before each sales call.  On […]