Banish These Hackneyed Lines From Your Sales Talk
We’ve all heard them – the sales clichés that turn off customers. You may even be guilty of some yourself. These trite approaches sound persuasive, but they’re so obvious that most prospects feel you’re insulting their intelligence. Pay attention to your conversations, and strike anything that sounds like this: “What’s it gonna take?” You sound like […]
QUICK Steps to Better Sales
Here are some QUICK and easy steps to help you become better at sales. Quiet quiet, quiet. Know when to be quiet. Let your customer do most of the talking. They will tell you how to sell to them. Understand you customer’s needs. In oder to sell to a customer, you have to know what […]
Powerful Telephone Skills
Be precise with clients. Avoid these murky statements when talking with customers: “I’ll rush the order.” Better: “I’ll overnight it today.” “We’re working on it.” Better: “I’ve asked our delivery manager to schedule it for…” “I’ll call you back.” Better: “I’ll call you by…” “You’ll have it soon.” Better: “You’ll have it by…”
If You Talkamileaminute, No One Will Listen!
Your choice of words is always important when you are conducting business. The right choice can help you soothe an angry customer, close a sale, or earn a raise. But also important is the speed at which you speak. If you talk too quickly, listeners may not be able to keep up with you. If you speak […]
Value-Added Selling is a Four-Step Process
Value-added selling is an ongoing process and, as such, contains four steps that repeat themselves constantly. 1st – Preparation. Commit to the value-added attitude. Become a student of sales and study. Focus strategically on the types of customers from whom you think you can get the return you need. 2nd – Planning. Planning is call […]