How to Handle Disrupters

woman presenting at meeting

You’ve just been appointed facilitator for the next meeting, but you know that if it’s to be successful, you’ll have to rein in a few troublemakers. Here are descriptions of four particularly difficult types of meeting disrupters and how to handle them.  The repeaters.These people bring up the same issues and points over and over […]

Four Detrimental Sales Mistakes

There are four detrimental, but easy-to-correct, sales mistakes: 1. Thinking like a salesperson rather than a customer.                                                           Thinking like a salesperson places the focus on what you want […]

Enhancing Customer Loyalty During Change

Enhance customer loyalty

We are living in an age of incredible change and some instability. Organizations are undergoing massive changes including reorganizations, re-engineering, downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, market conditions, software and hardware changes, and new management.  This rapidly changing workplace demands adaptability on the part of salespeople. Old ways of doing things often no longer work.  With change comes […]

What You Need to Know About ROI

What you need to know about ROI

As business owners, managers, and accountants sit down to take stock of their respective budgets, the first place they look is the major expense column. And the major expense item most difficult to quantify in terms of value provided is the cost of marketing products and services. Marketers, both in-house and agency-based, are regularly cross-examined: […]

Achieve Your Goals

Achieve your goals

Setting and pursuing realistic goals is the key to success. How do you know if your goals are realistic? Once your goals are set, how do you achieve them? Follow these guidelines:  Use your interests to create a goal that is concrete and specific as well as inspiring. Combining your interests with your imagination helps […]