SMART Ways to Build Loyalty

Success in wooing – and keeping – customers means being SMART: Specify. Spell out to what extremes you’ll go to win the customers’ loyalty – not just satisfaction. And make sure everyone in the organization knows how far you want to go.  Measure. Determine which survey devices you’ll use to learn how well your “extreme” customer service is […]

5 Ways to Problem-Solve

No matter if you’re a salesperson, sales manager, or CEO, you’ll face problems. They’re as inevitable as the sunset. So be prepared to solve difficulties with these tips to enhance your problem-solving ability. 

Get Employees to Contribute

Tired of meetings where no one contributes? Schedule a mandatory meeting and tell team members their “admission ticket” will be an index card with an original idea written on it. Collect the tickets at the door, and start the meeting by reading every member’s idea. 

How to Handle Disrupters

You’ve just been appointed facilitator for the next meeting, but you know that if it’s to be successful, you’ll have to rein in a few troublemakers. Here are descriptions of four particularly difficult types of meeting disrupters and how to handle them.  The repeaters.These people bring up the same issues and points over and over […]

Use Time Wisely

Stop wasting time reading unwanted email messages. Follow the example of one busy team leader. He decided to respond to every email for a week with a note on its appropriateness. He responded with one of three comments:  1. Keep sending this sort of critical information. 2. Send this to a responsible person on my team, […]