“And more” is not the answer. It’s the problem.
I was in Cincinnati recently and saw a sign that intrigued me…. Doughby’s – Calzones, Crepes, and More. My wife loves crepes, so I thought I might pick one up on the way back to the hotel. As I got closer, I saw another sign…for sale. Doughby’s was out of business. No crepes today, so […]
The Unique Selling Proposition – R.I.P.
The Unique Selling Proposition was the golden rule of advertising for decades, and no matter how much lip service is given to the value proposition and other strategies, the mindset of the USP is still there. It’s time to lay it to rest.
Nobody buys a boat just to have a boat
When I discuss Marketing Innovation, one-on-one or with a group of 250, I always tell the story of the drill bit. It goes like this: You walk into Lowe’s to get a half inch drill bit. Six dollars later, you have your drill bit. But you didn’t go to Lowe’s because you wanted to add to […]
What if your plan is solving the wrong problem?
We conducted a ReVision for a Cleveland company that came to us with a serious problem. In our JumpStart, we worked through the problem and, in less than an hour, we had two very good solutions. We all felt good about both options and resolved to carry those into the ReVision session the next day. Clearly, […]
That’s absurd! vs. Innovation
When we ReVision a client, we start the day with a few simple rules that begin with “Leave your ‘buts’ at the door.” You know the “but” people. They follow every new idea with a “but.” “But we tried that.” “But we can’t afford that.” “But we’ve never done that before!”