Write A Thank-You Note When You Lose the Sale
Anybody can remember to write a thank-you letter to a customer after a successful sale or referral. When else should you say thanks? After a final refusal, or when the customer decides to buy from a competitor. A brief, polite, handwritten note thanking a prospect for his or her time and consideration is one of […]
Get “ROI”-ligion
After you get your website up to date, make sure your staff members are up to date on all the new improvements to the website, your updated approach to ROI, and the basics of your ROI philosophy. This will guide them and enable them to use these tactics whenever and wherever they can apply them. […]
Add Some New Business Intelligence Tools to Your Kit
There is a wide array of tools out there to choose from. And it is critical to understand your marketing needs to help you choose the right tools for the job at hand. With a range from SEO and SEM to ROI calculators and online scorecards, the options require a good look. The scorecard idea […]
Milestones Help You Manage the Process
As we all know, if you build objectives and support them with goals, you must have a way to track your progress. Make sure that you build milestones into the process of assessing ROI. You won’t be able to quantify an entire process overnight. Instead, you can begin incrementally (with leads, of course). Then, move […]
Commit to Specific ROI Goals
As with any other process objective, your people have to break major ROI objectives into smaller, achievable ROI goals. This is especially important when you’re dealing with the aforementioned long and complex processes. It takes time and focus – and again, you may want to involve multidisciplinary groups from different areas of your business. Publish […]