Dangle an Offer That Can’t Be Refused

Three individual businesses solved their prodigal customer woes with twists on the same advice from Los Angeles marketing consultant Jay Abraham: Dangle a freebie.  The secret lies in the strategy: A retail store mails $20 vouchers to customers who haven’t come through its door within nine months; research shows 40% of those using “welcome back” […]

Remember to Balance Creativity with ROI

Let the heart rule the head – because this is true with 90 percent of your customers. We all like to think that we make our purchasing decisions in a completely rational manner. But, increasingly, research shows this is far from true. We are emotional beings, and we make most of our decisions emotionally.  Many […]

Do You Have a Guarantee?

A guarantee isn’t a gimmick; it’s the portal to improving customer relations. When your company has the courage to promise absolute satisfaction or give customers their money back, you differentiate yourself from your competitors by announcing up front that your number one long-term goal is customer loyalty. The guarantee is also a good word-of-mouth promotion […]

Emphasize Your Sales Letter Message With a Positive P.S.

If you use direct mail to market your products or services, you already know that a postscript at the end of your sales letter is a must. Most people will look at the P.S. even if they don’t read the letter itself. The P.S. should be an important element of your letter, but it shouldn’t […]