How to Get Customers to Value What You’re Giving Away

Do you routinely offer your customers little extras that give you the edge in customer retention? If you do, don’t be afraid to call attention to the fact. Promote your value-added services. If you offer a free service, put it on your invoice at the hourly rate – and then mark it FREE so that […]

Ten Commandments for Better Sales

When he was named Xerox’s district manager for Cleveland, Frank Pacetta vowed to turn his district into number one in the region even though it had finished last the year before. He did it. Here is his Top Ten List on customer service:  1. Prepare customer proposals on weekends and evenings.  2. Never say no […]

Punch Up Your Presentation

Add persuasive punch to your next presentation by imagining you have got only five minutes to sell the organization’s president on your idea. 

Selling the Quick Payback

One of the tricks of closing the sale, especially when selling to CFOs and other financial executives, is demonstrating return on investment. Prospects want to know that if they spend $1, they will get back $2. Copywriter Mike Pavlish puts it this way: “You must convince the prospect that the price you ask is a […]

Boost Sales with Incentive Programs

Incentive programs can do wonders for your sales figures – but only if the incentives are well-planned. Here are some basic steps to map out successful incentives contests.  Pinpoint the goal and audience. Remember to keep the objective attainable, measurable, simple, and meaningful for your audience.  Set the budget. The contest should cover its costs. […]