Brain Power

Nothing beats a good idea’s potential return on investment. Make brainstorming sessions more productive with these steps to create the right environment, initiate the flow of ideas, and keep the session fun.  Creating the right environment. Place stacking chairs outside the meeting place and ask participants to carry their chairs in themselves so the group […]

Discover the Creativity

To regain your imaginative edge:  Disrupt your daily habits. Commute to work a different way. Redecorate your office. “Borrow” an unused workspace. Changing your environment can sharpen your sensory perceptions and spark creativity.  Give up. Devote a few days to not thinking about the problem. Temporarily setting aside your creative challenge can help relieve pressure […]

Add Props to Your Presentation

According to Andrea Nierenberg, president of The Nierenberg Group, you can add power and pizzazz to your presentations by using props. She shares the following ideas, which cost little but can help you persuade, inform, and educate your audience.  Add intrigue.Nierenberg talks about how she taped a $10 bill to the podium. No one mentioned […]

Ten Commandments for Better Sales

When he was named Xerox’s district manager for Cleveland, Frank Pacetta vowed to turn his district into number one in the region even though it had finished last the year before. He did it. Here is his Top Ten List on customer service:  1. Prepare customer proposals on weekends and evenings.  2. Never say no […]

Boost Sales with Incentive Programs

Incentive programs can do wonders for your sales figures – but only if the incentives are well-planned. Here are some basic steps to map out successful incentives contests.  Pinpoint the goal and audience. Remember to keep the objective attainable, measurable, simple, and meaningful for your audience.  Set the budget. The contest should cover its costs. […]