Add Props to Your Presentation

According to Andrea Nierenberg, president of The Nierenberg Group, you can add power and pizzazz to your presentations by using props. She shares the following ideas, which cost little but can help you persuade, inform, and educate your audience.  Add intrigue.Nierenberg talks about how she taped a $10 bill to the podium. No one mentioned […]

The 5 R’s of Sales Success

Here’s how the five R’s – Relevance, Receptivity, Recognition, Responsiveness, and Relationship – can help you differentiate your company’s product and services:  Make your message more relevant. Top marketers are using their customer information to find better ways to make their messages and communications more relevant to the customer. By knowing customers’ needs, behaviors, and perceptions, marketers can target specific […]

Improve Client Relationships in a Wired World

Since electronic communication has permanently changed business, it’s necessary to take special steps to protect customer relationships. Here are some tips to help you stay in touch in the age of electronic gatekeepers:  Schedule face-to-face meetings. Find time to have lunch or to attend an industry meeting with your customers. We risk becoming so work-focused that […]

Don’t Forget the Powerful Sales Letter

In spite of the multitude of communication options available today, the sales letter remains a viable vehicle for reaching your prospects. Here are a few tips to help you revive this “ancient” art to your advantage: Use an arresting headline. Your prospects will continue reading if the first line they see is something like “Outsmart your […]

Kids Know How to Innovate

The world is one big school, and sometimes our lessons come from unlikely places. For instance, if salespeople were more like kids, they might be more successful. Consider these examples.  Kids don’t pay attention to the word “no.” They ignore it and keep right on going. Maybe they are not always successful, but “no” doesn’t stop […]