Why Ask Questions? Six Reasons
Do you ask enough questions? Here are six reasons questions are your most important selling tool: Questions get the right person talking. That’s the customer. Questions focus the call on the customer, not the salesperson. Questions show you’re interested in your prospects, which flatters them. Questions help identify customers’ needs and desires so you can […]
Communicate Your Way to a Successful Close
You may be saying one thing, but your prospect is hearing something completely different. This could cause problems during the close. To communicate more effectively, consider the following for a successful close: Language. Speak in terms your prospect understands. Vague terminology and unclear jargon won’t close the sale. Avoid backtracking and longer-than-necessary explanations of what you […]
Top Salespeople Sell in Every Economy
Some salespeople view themselves as victims of the economy. They listen to all the pessimistic economic forecasts and blame declining sales on terrorists’ acts and other issues. Top salespeople accept no excuses for poor performance. They recognize that customers depend on them to perform tasks that need to be done. They view themselves as completely […]
Everyone Can Use Cross – Promotion
Believe it or not, some other business has already spent the time, effort, and advertising dollars to attract a ton of customers for you – customers who can be yours for little more than the asking. We’re not talking about stealing anyone’s customers away but about gaining access to new customers or clients with the […]
Increase the Effectiveness of Your Emails with These Tactics
The rise of virtual teams and long-distance workplaces has brought a growing dependence on email. Like every form of communication, email is a tool that requires a certain amount of finesse. Here are some tips for you on getting the message across.1. One email, one topic. Don’t try to cover too much territory in a single […]