Trade Show Tips

1. Add eye appeal. Glitz and glamour do work! Smart companies adorn displays with Christmas lights, colorful banners, kinetic scale models – even talking robots.  2. Pique browsers’ curiosity. One company used a bold-lettered banner with the question, “How many tons of sand does it take to forge one compression tank?” Passersby asked, “How many does it […]

Remember to Balance Creativity with ROI

Let the heart rule the head – because this is true with 90 percent of your customers. We all like to think that we make our purchasing decisions in a completely rational manner. But, increasingly, research shows this is far from true. We are emotional beings, and we make most of our decisions emotionally.  Many […]

Vision Needs Purpose and Passion

At Carney & Company, we approach marketing problems differently than every other agency in America. We employ our ReVision™ process to help our clients better identify their problems, build consensus on the solutions, and create a bold, new vision for their future. Our job is to change the future, and this is how we start. […]