Change Your Voicemail Message Frequently

Some workers use the same outgoing voicemail message for years without changing it. The message may be functional, but what does it convey? An unchanging voicemail could project a subtle image of a stagnant employee caught in a rut. Instead, try spicing up your voicemail by personalizing you messages with specific details – the day […]

Discover the Creativity

To regain your imaginative edge:  Disrupt your daily habits. Commute to work a different way. Redecorate your office. “Borrow” an unused workspace. Changing your environment can sharpen your sensory perceptions and spark creativity.  Give up. Devote a few days to not thinking about the problem. Temporarily setting aside your creative challenge can help relieve pressure […]

Add Some New Business Intelligence Tools to Your Kit

There is a wide array of tools out there to choose from. And it is critical to understand your marketing needs to help you choose the right tools for the job at hand. With a range from SEO and SEM to ROI calculators and online scorecards, the options require a good look. The scorecard idea […]

Exercise Creativity With These Group Activities

Although many people believe that creative minds are born, not made, experts say that you can teach people to become more creative. Here are two exercises to try with your co-workers:  Fluency. During a staff meeting, brainstorm 100 uses for ordinary objects – a pencil, notebook, table, etc. This will help you and your co-workers […]

Kids Know How to Innovate

The world is one big school, and sometimes our lessons come from unlikely places. For instance, if salespeople were more like kids, they might be more successful. Consider these examples.  Kids don’t pay attention to the word “no.” They ignore it and keep right on going. Maybe they are not always successful, but “no” doesn’t stop […]