Tackling High-Priority Projects

Identify your top priorities. All jobs aren’t equally important, no matter how urgent they may appear. Due date alone is not always an indication of priority.  Make a list. Putting all your jobs and their deadlines into chart form helps you weigh one against another when setting priorities.  Know how much you have to do […]

The Right Way to Write a Thank-You Note

1. Keep it short. Customers won’t read long notes.  2. Make it personal. Print the note yourself. Add your own stamp instead of company postage marks.  3. Don’t overdo it. If you send notes a lot, the gesture will lose its appeal. Generally a note every three months is reasonable.  4. Don’t always try to sell them something. The […]

Ten Steps to Closing Every Sale

Closing sales doesn’t take magic. Just follow this simple 10-step plan:  Get your prospect to say “yes” right away. As you talk to a customer, ask questions to which he or she will answer yes. This helps to establish the right frame of mind.  Keep digging for the reasons behind the prospect’s objections. To every objection, […]

Study Reveals Crucial Sales Tips

If you want to sell executives on a proposal, service, or project, your presentation must be organized – and it should also be informal, relaxed, and conversational. That’s a major finding from a study of 162 executives conducted by Genesis Training Solutions. Here are other suggestions to consider:  Avoid a hard-sell approach. Stay away from hype and […]

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