Get On Track

From the very beginning of sales careers, reps learn that if they play the numbers game, eventually they’ll make the sales. It’s true, and the most successful people – no matter what they’re selling – live, sleep, and eat prospecting. But they should also know it’s the quality of the time they spend prospecting that makes […]

Write A Thank-You Note When You Lose the Sale

Anybody can remember to write a thank-you letter to a customer after a successful sale or referral. When else should you say thanks? After a final refusal, or when the customer decides to buy from a competitor. A brief, polite, handwritten note thanking a prospect for his or her time and consideration is one of […]

Get “ROI”-ligion

After you get your website up to date, make sure your staff members are up to date on all the new improvements to the website, your updated approach to ROI, and the basics of your ROI philosophy. This will guide them and enable them to use these tactics whenever and wherever they can apply them.  […]

Banish These Hackneyed Lines From Your Sales Talk

We’ve all heard them – the sales clichés that turn off customers. You may even be guilty of some yourself. These trite approaches sound persuasive, but they’re so obvious that most prospects feel you’re insulting their intelligence. Pay attention to your conversations, and strike anything that sounds like this:  “What’s it gonna take?” You sound like […]

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