5 Ways to Problem-Solve

No matter if you’re a salesperson, sales manager, or CEO, you’ll face problems. They’re as inevitable as the sunset. So be prepared to solve difficulties with these tips to enhance your problem-solving ability. 

Battle the Three Primary Reasons Customers Defect

In the fight for new customers, what is your company doing to retain those you already have? Probably not enough. Increase customer retention by addressing the three reasons most customers stop doing business with a particular company:  Value discrepancy. This means that you’re not delivering what customers think their money is worth. It includes such […]

Exercise Creativity With These Group Activities

Although many people believe that creative minds are born, not made, experts say that you can teach people to become more creative. Here are two exercises to try with your co-workers:  Fluency. During a staff meeting, brainstorm 100 uses for ordinary objects – a pencil, notebook, table, etc. This will help you and your co-workers […]

Should You Accept a New Client? Try This Litmus Test First

As a new salesperson, you could never imagine turning down work. But as your career develops, you may decide that taking on a particular client is a bad move. Here are some times to say “no” or to refer the business to a colleague:  You are entering uncharted territory. It is tempting to learn a […]

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