Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

If you make your customer feel comfortable about a potential purchase, you’ll improve your odds of making the sale. Put prospects at ease by giving them a free trial period or a money-back guarantee. Offer additional services or features in exchange for a quick buying decision. Add value to your product in ways your competition doesn’t (or can’t) […]

Sales Strategies for Superstars

Want to reach the top of your profession? Don’t rely on luck. It takes hard work, dedication, a constant willingness to learn, and more hard work.  Don’t just be a problem solver: Be a creative problem creator. Create awareness of problems clients may not even know they have. Find out what might be preventing your […]

Enhancing Customer Loyalty During Change

We are living in an age of incredible change and some instability. Organizations are undergoing massive changes including reorganizations, re-engineering, downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, market conditions, software and hardware changes, and new management.  This rapidly changing workplace demands adaptability on the part of salespeople. Old ways of doing things often no longer work.  With change comes […]

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