Words that kill a sale

Words That Kill the Sale

Despite the popular saying to the contrary, words can sometimes be stronger than actions. 
An example is when you're presenting to a prospect, and you've covered all the bases, but the prospect still won't say "yes."

Sometimes an adage applies: "It isn't what you say; it's the way that you say it." In that case, your words may have multiple meanings, and the wrong one is costing you the sale. 

Tom Hopkins, a leading how-to sales trainer, says you can lose the sale at the close if you use "rejection words." These include "any words that remind prospects that you're trying to sell them something." Instead, you should be using "go ahead" words that keep the sale process moving forward. 

Here are some common word-use errors that salespeople commit while trying to close the sale: 
Keep reminding yourself of this fact: Prospects don't want to buy; they want to own. So try this: "If you decide to own this great new product, we can deliver it right away."

"Sign" and "Contract"
These words seem to imply a permanent binding which may increase your prospect's anxiety over the purchase decision. The words remind prospects of fine print and of the need for legal advice. Replace "sign" with "approve" or "ok" and "contract" with "paperwork" or "agreement." These words appear less technical and therefore more comforting. 

"Cost" or "Price" 
These words remind prospects that they will have to suffer a financial loss to obtain the product. Instead, try to use neutral words that convey the value of your offer: 
"That model is available for $750."
"We list that model at $750."
"The model you want is worth $750."

These words are not meant to manipulate, but merely to keep the lines of communication open. They ensure that what you mean is really coming across in what you say, and that will close the sale. 

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