Sales Killers to Avoid

Sales Killers You Must Avoid

Most salespeople concentrate on learning how to make sales. But they also need to learn how to avoid some common ways of killing sales. 

Sales trainer John Graham has identified some attitudes and assumptions that can keep you from reaching the top. Are you the victim of any of these sales killers?

"I know more than my customers." Because you're expert on what you sell, you may think you're more knowledgeable than customers. 

Danger: Although you'd never intentionally demean or talk down to them, you may sound condescending. Without realizing it, you may make customers feel uncomfortable - even ignorant - and drive them away. 

"My customers know more than I do." Do you assume customers know a lot more than you do? In fact, they may feel uneasy or even inadequate. But they may cover the situation with a bravado that fools you. 

Danger: You may hold back the full benefit of your knowledge and experience, which leads to limited sales. 

"This account is solid." Do you believe customers automatically turn to you? If you've served them well, it's easy to expect repeat business. 

Danger: No account is ever safe. Don't let competitors in the door because you take customers for granted. 

"That customer is small change." Do you categorize customers by sales volume? 

Danger: They sense how important they are to you. Don't treat them as second-class citizens. 

"I know my customers have confidence in me." Just because they order from you doesn't necessarily mean they have full confidence in you. 

Danger: If you assume they do, you stop trying to earn their confidence. You'll do the same level of business with them forever, because you're not working to develop the account. 

These killers stem from how you perceive customers and how they interpret your actions. Being aware of how customers see you can help you maximize your sales. 

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