
Emphasize Your Sales Letter Message With a Positive P.S.

If you use direct mail to market your products or services, you already know that a postscript at the end of your sales letter is a must. Most people will look at the P.S. even if they don't read the letter itself. The P.S. should be an important element of your letter, but it shouldn't introduce any new information. Here are some good P.S. possibilities: 

Gift. Remind your customers of the gift or premium they will receive when they respond to your letter. 

Guarantee. Highlight your guarantee so the customer knows that risk is nonexistent. This is especially important in direct mail campaigns to prospects who aren't familiar with your company. 

Money. Emphasize how much money the customer will save, or earn, by buying your product. Tell customers how to measure the results of doing business with you - a specific amount of dollars per month saved, for instance. 

Benefits. Review the most important benefits you can offer. Don't try to repeat all of them, but remind the customer of two or three key benefits that make your product worthwhile. 

Contact information. Make it easy for customers to respond to your offer by using your P.S. to provide phone or e-mail information, and a website address as well as your street address. If your direct mail package includes a postage-paid reply card, remind customers of that option, too. 

Deadline. If you're offering a special price for a limited time, accentuate that in your P.S. Let your readers know what benefits they'll receive by responding right away and what they'll lose by letting the deadline pass. 

Call to action. Close with a call to action: pick up the phone, return the reply card, visit a website, come into the store. Urge them to do something specific right away. 

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