Give Your Customer a Toy!
We often limit corporate gifts to food, pens, and clothing items. Doesn’t everyone have enough coffee cups and mouse pads? What if we lightened up and gave customers desk toys? Most adults who receive toys will claim that they are “for the kids,” but the smiles on their faces give another message. Be sure the toy […]
The Best Response to ‘No’
You went all-out to get the sale. You prospected, cold-called, followed up, presented, and modified – but the prospect still went with someone else. Losing a big one is tough, especially when you’ve really put your heart into it. But how you respond can render all your hard work either a complete waste of time […]
Your Customers’ Perception Is Your Reality: Look at the Marketplace Through Their Eyes
If your customers do not perceive the value in what you are selling, they will most likely buy from your competitors. Focusing on the “drivers” that influence your customers’ perceptions of value can help you position your product or service as a solution to the challenges they face. Here are their primary concerns: Financial. Your […]
Do You Have a Guarantee?
A guarantee isn’t a gimmick; it’s the portal to improving customer relations. When your company has the courage to promise absolute satisfaction or give customers their money back, you differentiate yourself from your competitors by announcing up front that your number one long-term goal is customer loyalty. The guarantee is also a good word-of-mouth promotion […]
It’s official. The bean counters have taken over at Southwest Airlines.
It was a couple of years ago that I began to suspect things were changing at Southwest. The esprit de corps was missing. No singing during landing or jokes on take-off. Uniforms replaced shorts and golf shirts. Southwest didn’t feel like Southwest. With the introduction of their latest ad campaign, my suspicions have been confirmed. […]