Battle the Three Primary Reasons Customers Defect

In the fight for new customers, what is your company doing to retain those you already have? Probably not enough. Increase customer retention by addressing the three reasons most customers stop doing business with a particular company:  Value discrepancy. This means that you’re not delivering what customers think their money is worth. It includes such […]

Powerful Telephone Skills

Be precise with clients. Avoid these murky statements when talking with customers:  “I’ll rush the order.” Better: “I’ll overnight it today.” “We’re working on it.” Better: “I’ve asked our delivery manager to schedule it for…” “I’ll call you back.” Better: “I’ll call you by…” “You’ll have it soon.” Better: “You’ll have it by…”

Improve Client Relationships in a Wired World

Since electronic communication has permanently changed business, it’s necessary to take special steps to protect customer relationships. Here are some tips to help you stay in touch in the age of electronic gatekeepers:  Schedule face-to-face meetings. Find time to have lunch or to attend an industry meeting with your customers. We risk becoming so work-focused that […]

How to Get Customers to Value What You’re Giving Away

Do you routinely offer your customers little extras that give you the edge in customer retention? If you do, don’t be afraid to call attention to the fact. Promote your value-added services. If you offer a free service, put it on your invoice at the hourly rate – and then mark it FREE so that […]

Accentuate the Positive

Consultant Joyce Weiss advises unmotivated salespeople to get out of their comfort zones and reevaluate the way they do business.  “When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to blame the marketplace or the economy,” she says, “But you have to stop whining, look in the mirror, and force yourself to address the problem squarely and […]