How to Get Customers to Value What You’re Giving Away

Do you routinely offer your customers little extras that give you the edge in customer retention? If you do, don’t be afraid to call attention to the fact. Promote your value-added services. If you offer a free service, put it on your invoice at the hourly rate – and then mark it FREE so that […]

Accentuate the Positive

Consultant Joyce Weiss advises unmotivated salespeople to get out of their comfort zones and reevaluate the way they do business.  “When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to blame the marketplace or the economy,” she says, “But you have to stop whining, look in the mirror, and force yourself to address the problem squarely and […]

Selling the Quick Payback

One of the tricks of closing the sale, especially when selling to CFOs and other financial executives, is demonstrating return on investment. Prospects want to know that if they spend $1, they will get back $2. Copywriter Mike Pavlish puts it this way: “You must convince the prospect that the price you ask is a […]

Uncover Opportunities

When working with customers, don’t get so caught up in the selling process that you forget to look for other opportunities. Here are four basic components to discovering sales opportunities: 1. Pay attention. The only thing customers care about is what you can do for them. Don’t limit your research to face-to-face meetings. Read the […]

Send a Travel Postcard to Increase Your business

Here’s a simple way to use postcards to attract new customers. The next time you’re at an industry convention, buy 25 postcards that represent the place you’re visiting. Think of a clever headline that ties in with the picture on the card. For example, a real estate agent sent a Nashville postcard that showed horses […]