Benefit From Account Reviews

The selling advantage  A regular account review is an excellent way to keep in touch with your regular customers and let them know you are interested in their well-being. Set up a tickler file to keep track of all the notes about your key accounts and personal items to review before each sales call.  On […]

Move Over, Rambo

Looking to inspire your coworkers? Try this suggestion at your next team building session: View a popular movie that promotes some value or skill pertinent to your job. Some possibilities include Wall Street (ethics), Jerry Maguire (sales), Norma Rae (leadership), and Twelve Angry Men (conflict resolution).

Sales Killers You Must Avoid

Most salespeople concentrate on learning how to make sales. But they also need to learn how to avoid some common ways of killing sales.  Sales trainer John Graham has identified some attitudes and assumptions that can keep you from reaching the top. Are you the victim of any of these sales killers? “I know more […]

Achieve Your Goals

Setting and pursuing realistic goals is the key to success. How do you know if your goals are realistic? Once your goals are set, how do you achieve them? Follow these guidelines:  Use your interests to create a goal that is concrete and specific as well as inspiring. Combining your interests with your imagination helps […]

The Best Response to ‘No’

You went all-out to get the sale. You prospected, cold-called, followed up, presented, and modified – but the prospect still went with someone else.  Losing a big one is tough, especially when you’ve really put your heart into it. But how you respond can render all your hard work either a complete waste of time […]