Web Data Is Your BFF for Calculating ROI

The first, best thing you can do to measure ROI is to measure EVERY bit of customer activity on your website. What kind of traffic are you generating? Which products are generating the most interest? What kinds of questions are your customers asking? How long are they staying on your site? Are they managing to […]

Long Sales Cycles With Complex Processes Can Complicate Determining ROI

The longer the cycle, the more difficult it becomes to separate out all the factors involved. Did the new ad campaign cause a big bump in Denver-area sales over the past year? Or was it the revamped website navigability? Possibly the new items in the product line? Or, was it the addition of two great […]

ROI is a Great Tool – But Only in Specific Uses

Return on investment, or ROI, has proven to be an excellent gauge of marketing effectiveness when it comes to lead tracking and generation. This is a quantifiable process and lends itself easily to measurement. There is a long and proven track record of companies using lead tracking to determine ROI. It dates back three decades.  […]

ROI Is Not (And Can Never Be) An Exact Science!

ROI, or Return on Investment, is a buzzword that has been hanging around business conference rooms forever, like a bellhop waiting in a hotel room for a tip. It’s one of those all-purpose phrases used to build customer goodwill: “We focus on ROI, and make sure you get the full return on your investment and […]

If You Talkamileaminute, No One Will Listen!

Your choice of words is always important when you are conducting business. The right choice can help you soothe an angry customer, close a sale, or earn a raise. But also important is the speed at which you speak. If you talk too quickly, listeners may not be able to keep up with you. If you speak […]