Four Detrimental Sales Mistakes

There are four detrimental, but easy-to-correct, sales mistakes: 1. Thinking like a salesperson rather than a customer.                                                           Thinking like a salesperson places the focus on what you want […]

People Buy on Emotion, Not Logic

Two people talking at a table

It’s vital for sales reps to be able to recognize self-preservation as a basic human need. If salespeople can’t address customers’ personal interests in why they should buy, sales will stall. It’s a salesperson’s job to uncover customers’ hidden motives. Here are four motives to identify if you want your customer to take action in […]

Don’t “Sell” People. Let Them Buy.

women on the phone with someone

It’s very interesting to study what motivates people. For example, nobody wants to be “sold” anything, yet everybody likes to “buy,” Buying is an invigorating activity. Buying is acting on a decision and taking control of a situation. Buying provides a sense of power. A salesperson can take advantage of this motivation by doing more […]

Put a Spin on Your Questions

two people working on something

The next time you’re trying to identify a customer’s needs, remember the acronym SPIN.  S. Situation. What is the customer’s general background? This is important to know, as long as you don’t spend so much time exploring it that your prospect grows bored or impatient.  P. Problem. What problem does the customer face? How does this […]

They’ll Need to See Your Message 29 Times Before They Buy

They'll need to see your message 29 times

This is what some marketing experts call the “Law of 29.” Whether or not you agree with the number of exposures it takes through the sales cycle is not important. What is important is that your prospect is going to have to see your message over and over before he/she buys your product or service.  […]