Add Props to Your Presentation

According to Andrea Nierenberg, president of The Nierenberg Group, you can add power and pizzazz to your presentations by using props. She shares the following ideas, which cost little but can help you persuade, inform, and educate your audience. 

Add intrigue.
Nierenberg talks about how she taped a $10 bill to the podium. No one mentioned it even through it was very noticeable. Afterward, when she asked who would like it, every hand went up. The point Nierenberg made was ask for what you want and you may get it! 

Remember that everyone loves a prize. 
In some seminars, Nierenberg gives people prizes when they answer a question correctly. These have included chocolate Kisses, Life Savers with dollar bill wrappings, or pins with interesting quotes. When people look forward to receiving a gift, your presentation comes alive. 

Use handouts worth keeping. 
Nierenberg suggests handouts that people will want to read and refer back to. She often uses short and numbered lists, with titles such as "Eight Ways to Keep Your Customers Loyal and in Love with You." She adds, "There's a good chance this type of handout will be posted on a bulletin board and become a 'billboard' ad that promotes you." 

Have a raffle.
People love to win! Ask attendees to fill out a raffle form when you start your presentation. Use a simple sheet of paper with room for a person's name and question he hopes to get answered. This can help you tailor your presentation to the audience's needs. Give away pens or business card cases when you use someone's question. 

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