How Often Should You Advertise?
What are people actually thinking about when they see your ad? Thomas Smith, a nineteenth-century London businessman, offered the following advice to advertisers in 1885. And his words still apply today: 1. The first time people look at your ad, they don’t even see it. 2. The second time, they don’t notice it. 3. The […]
Top Nine Telephone Basics
Phone skills are an important part of the job. The way you handle your phone is as important as a face-to-face meeting. So take the time to go over some of these basics. Here is a phone skills list from Step Hyken, a professional speaker and author specializing in customer service and customer relations. 1. […]
Brain Power
Nothing beats a good idea’s potential return on investment. Make brainstorming sessions more productive with these steps to create the right environment, initiate the flow of ideas, and keep the session fun. Creating the right environment. Place stacking chairs outside the meeting place and ask participants to carry their chairs in themselves so the group […]