Innovation Beats Brand
I love Bose. The company produces amazing sound and long ago set the standard for innovation and quality in the world of audio. I love my Wave Radio so much I sent Paul Harvey a letter about it. He read it on his show for over three years. So when it came time to replace […]
Agency Expands Reach Into Triad

Carney & Co. Welcomes Jessica McKnight as Vice President/ReVisioneer (Rocky Mount, NC) – Carney & Co., the Marketing Innovation Agency, announced today that Jessica McKnight has been named Vice President/ReVisioneer. Jessica will lead the agency’s long-standing accounts and build the business with customer focused, market-moving strategies. “We are excited to bring Jessica onboard. Her experience […]
The Unique Selling Proposition – R.I.P.

The Unique Selling Proposition was the golden rule of advertising for decades, and no matter how much lip service is given to the value proposition and other strategies, the mindset of the USP is still there. It’s time to lay it to rest.
Nobody buys a boat just to have a boat

When I discuss Marketing Innovation, one-on-one or with a group of 250, I always tell the story of the drill bit. It goes like this: You walk into Lowe’s to get a half inch drill bit. Six dollars later, you have your drill bit. But you didn’t go to Lowe’s because you wanted to add to […]
Market Innovation to Avoid Extinction

Innovation guru Doug Hall says that every business, every product, every service is on a continuum somewhere between Monopoly and Commodity. At one end, you own the market (for the moment) and at the other, you compete with the rest of the commodities. I think it is the difference between Distinction and Extinction. At the Distinction end […]